Our people

Our company is built on the foundation of diversity, and it is one of the most important elements of our company’s success.
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Diversity Equity And Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To Paragon, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are moral imperatives. Our leaders serve as role models, and their voices and viewpoints enable Paragon to innovate, take calculated chances, solve issues creatively, bounce back from setbacks, and transform obstacles into opportunities. Creating and instilling a workplace culture that is welcoming, courteous, collaborative, and equitable, provides our employees the freedom to challenge the status quo and influence change. Through our recruitment, onboarding, and talent management procedures, we are actively working to expand and foster diversity in our workforce.


Diversity gives us strength. Our company is built on the foundation of diversity, and it is one of the most important elements of our company’s success. We know that the most innovative ideas come when people from different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences work together to develop new ideas.


According to Paragon’s values, everyone in the workplace should be treated with decency and respect. As a company, Paragon is aware that displaying equity in the workplace may be a difficult undertaking. Since what constitutes fair and equitable treatment is often based on the experiences of each individual employee, it is difficult to ensure that all employees are treated equally. As a result, Paragon is devoted to providing each individual with the particular tools they require in order to get access to possibilities.

An inclusive work environment at Paragon is one in which there is genuine, visible, and meaningful representation of the diversity of the larger community at all levels. It is an atmosphere that fosters a sense of security and empowerment among all workers, as well as a sense of worth and respect for their efforts. It is a work environment that safeguards the rights of all persons and groups. Inclusion happens when an organization gives equal access to its services, rewards, and opportunities, when its methods and structures enable the full involvement of all members, and when individuals are treated fairly and equally and rewarded for their efforts.

Human Rights

Paragon acknowledges its obligation to protect the human rights of all persons impacted by our business activities, including workers, clients, suppliers, and the surrounding community. Additionally, we understand the critical nature of respecting the diverse cultures we meet in the course of our work, as well as the persons we come into contact with as a result of those activities.


At Paragon, we aspire to be an equal opportunity employer that values and respects diversity, upholds the dignity and worth of every individual, and promotes a culture of understanding and mutual respect for those rights. As outlined by the Ontario Human Rights Code, we are committed to creating an environment free of discrimination and harassment at work. We will seek to eliminate, lessen, or mitigate the negative consequences of any obstacles as we strive to create a more equitable business.


Paragon believes that diversity enhances and enriches not just our business but also the broader community on social, political, cultural, and economic levels. For this reason, Paragon rejects the propagation of hatred and advocates an atmosphere free of hate.

Human Rights

Protecting the health and safety of all employees is a commitment that takes precedence over all other considerations. Paragon is committed to providing and maintaining safe and healthy working conditions for all its workers in accordance with the regulatory standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). Management shall take a proactive role in fostering a safe and healthy workplace environment by setting an example.


As an equal opportunity employer, Paragon Security is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on age, ancestry, race, color, citizenship, ethnic origin, place of origin, creed, disability, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex (including pregnancy & breastfeeding), or any other protected grounds as outlined by The Ontario Human Rights Code.


This policy covers all aspects of our organization’s employment procedures, including hiring, recruiting, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, leave of absence, salary, benefits, training, and apprenticeship. Paragon Security makes employment selections exclusively on the basis of credentials, merit, and current company needs.

Anti Bribery And Corruption

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

At Paragon, we take pride in being a leader in ethical business practices. How we work is just as important as what we do. Our goal is to demonstrate the highest level of ethics and integrity in all dealings with our employees, customers, and suppliers. This is a corporate priority and a shared responsibility for all Paragon team members as each one of our actions and decisions affects our company and its reputation.


As laid out in the Paragon’s Code of Ethics & Conduct, all members are expected to act honestly, comply with the laws and regulations governing our business, including anti-bribery and corruption, and demonstrate the highest level of ethics and integrity in all business engagements and activities.


Paragon’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy expands upon the provisions regarding anti-bribery and corruption in Paragon’s Code of Ethics & Conduct and reinforces our long-standing commitment to integrity in business and a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. It provides additional guidance on what constitutes bribery and corruption and provides specific examples to help team members identify what actions are to be avoided.

All Paragon members are trained on the core obligations under our policy when they are onboarded to Paragon, and annually thereafter through our mandatory e-Integrity training. As we operate in a high-risk industry, we conduct more in-depth targeted training in-person or online for all personnel but pay closer attention to individuals in positions at a higher risk for bribery and corruption.


Paragon’s Ethics Line provides support to anyone who has ethical questions/inquiries regarding Paragon. Everyone is invited to use the Paragon’s Ethics Line to request ethical guidance or make a good-faith report about misconduct or a perceived violation of this policy, Paragon’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, other company policy or procedures, a law, questionable business practices, potential fraud, or concerns or complaints with respect to any accounting, accounting controls, or auditing matter. Reports may be made anonymously.

Ethic and Compliance Office